Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Baby gets a new room

     Since I have been closed for a few weeks so I can move the Items out of the back room I now wish to excite you with the up and coming new room:  Baby's New room.

     There use to be a baby room in the store but we closed it and down sized the store.  But with all people asking for a larger gathering of things for baby I have begun to work on the room once again. It will take some time before the room will be open. But it should be before the end of Summer.  I will be painting and fixing the floors so they will look sooooo much better.  There will be an announcement of the opening of the room both in here and in the store front window. Also on our web
So please keep looking in both areas.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Time is hopping down to the baskets.

     It seems like just yesterday that we started April. But it has gotten soo close to Easter that the Easter Bunny has been a little slow.  But there is still time to hop into the shop or on to the web site: .  To help the bunny get the goodies for everyone on your Easter list.
Here is just a few ideas:

And many more goodies to be seen. If you are in a hurry give me a call on the phone at 240 422 0305.  You can even come pick it up if you need to.

I just want to say that I hope everyone will have a grand Easter.